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Monday, November 22, 2010

Will The real Lynn Allen Please Stand Up (November edition)

what's up  everyone?   I hope that life is treating you  all very well.   Things are going great for me, i don't know about you all but it seems that this year hasflown by, where did the time go?   Ok, aside from that i would like to kick this off by sayng that i want to thankyou (my readers)  who do  look out for my posts, if I got you to (as Ash says)  "get your 7 laughs in"  or at least made you say "Isn't that the truth."  at least once  while you're reading them, then my job is done, and it was time well spent.   So here we go.......

The Question Game
So i've been seeing alot of people  playing the question game to where someone asks a question and you havae to post the response back on your wall foreveryone to see.  Hmmm that is Trill  as hell. Some of you may want to take that old rule that was taught eons ago that said. "don't ask when you really don't know the answer."    But, on a serious note  I gotta give  it to you all that all keepin it 100  when it comes to answering some of these questions.  Then i ask myself mabe no one asked me anything b/c we all know that i can be honest to a fault, which could  bring out some tender feelings.   But,  hey if you  want to ask me something I'll play lol it's all in the name of fun.

You Tubing Fights

So I was talking to Ash one day and she sent me a video of these two women fighting outside of the corner store that she was at.  She told me and was like  :"yeah check this shit out."   so i'm looking at the video and seeing this chick with curlers in her head beating the hell out of this other lady, and there are  curlers flyikng all over the sidewalk.  I look at things like this and see a nigga moment (for those of you not familiar with that phrase, watch an episode of the boondock)    Or let's go ahead and since BET  retired the N word, we can just call it a Ninja moment (that was for Ant).  The two points that I would like to make here is why the hell would you go out in public with curlersin your hair,  that is a big faux pas, at least put on a scarf or a hat.  Two, make sure that you keep an eye out for cameras.  Yes when we get on youtube we laugh at all the craziness we see on there, but what if it was you that was on there  making an ass of yourself?  Just remember the camera is always rolling.

Holiday Traditions

I love the holidays,  getting to see people is the best part of it.   I have to say that my college tradition was a big success, all the food and the family around.   I have  to say  that  we did good and it was good to see you all.  I feel that we missed out on alot of each others' lives and i think that we need to do better, i love my college buddies and m extended family.  Shout outs for Niki for being such a big help girl i didn't think that we were gonna make it.  Will for gracing us with his, how did he put it?  "sexiness at the party."   Carrie for keeping all the kids under control, and  everyone for basically making this a great memory  i love you guys.


I just want to let it be known how important my friends are to me.   If you know me well then you know that you should be able to come talk to me about what ever it is.   i'm that friend that has put sugar in a few gas tanks and flattened a few tires for the sake of friendship.   this particular part of my blog is for one person in particular (and they know who they are.)   If you ever need me call me, there is nothin that i would not do for my friends just always remember that.

Trifflin  Dudes

I think that i mentioned it before but was talking to a friend of mine who was telling me about a trifling  guy that was in her life.  All i have to say is that if i see this person anywhere it is on, b/c i have 50 things that i want to punch, kick and  curse you out for.  All i'm going to say is if I'm fortunant  enough that my words will pass your eyes then what i have to say right now is this.   You jerk, i don't know who you thought you were using my friend the way you did, if we ever have the pleasure of passing each other in the street or in the grocery store, then just be ready for me to put on the biggest show of my life.   If we should never meet then all I got to say is, baby when your time comes and karma bites you in the ass i hope it hurts so bad that you can never sit again.   It's one thing to just act like you have to act right, but it is another thing to strip a person of everything, to break them to a point to where they are to defeated to do anything about their situation.  The bible says that you will reap what you sowe. 

On that note i would say it was time to close this down, because i felt myself getting emotional and it was going to take me to a place i did not want to go.   until next all goodnight

Will the real lynn Allen please Stand Up ( October Edition)

Yo and hello to all of my readers.  I have been having a hectic month but things are going great.  I hope that all of you can say the same thing.  So here we go for some of the highlights and pet peeves of this month. Comments are always welcome.

<span>Sprint Music Video </span>

Ok I just want you guys to know the crazy people that i work with.  Some are on a level of crazy that would be considered to be good, as for the others.......... well...... that is another story.  But on a serious note i have to shout out my people that did do the music video for Customer Service week.  It's rediculous at how much talent is in one place.  So many dancers,  singers and rappers.  Hat's off to you guys.

<span>Throw backs</span>

I would like to say a big thank you to my friend Carrie Boyd for posting somee pictures from highschool.  i have to say that i did get a little sentimental while i looked thru them.  It's nice to remember all the friends that you did have.  Not to mention to get a  good laugh at some of the things that we wore back in the day and thought were cool.  I love you Care Bear.

<span>Shooting Someone for Baggy Pants</span>

Ok I was a bit disturbed when i saw this story on a friend of mine's page. I don't know if it was b/c people are getting shot in the ass for not wearing their pants the way they are suppose to, or if it was the dude that did the shooting looked just like a gut i work with at my office. (suspect).   So guys going back to what we said a few postings back.  The don't have to be tight but they don't need to be 8 sizes too big, find a middle ground so that hopefully some crazy guy won't go home and get the heat and literally bust a cap in that ass.


It seems like there are alot of friends that I have talked to this week that are seeking redemption about something or other.  All i have to say on this is in order to get the redemption that you are looking for the other person you are trying to redeem yourself for must be willing to help you get there.  None of us are perfect, and at one time or another are seeking some way to redeem ourselves.  Some of you out here feel that you must past judgement on others.  My questions here is,  who the hell died and made you God?  Only the powers that be have the right to judge and no one else.

 <span> BO in the Workplace</span>

Ok let's be real for a second.  When I look on my page and see five people are questioning hygene of their fellow co-workers and i witness it first hand there is something that needs to be done.  OK, and I'm not pointing anyone out but if  your shift started at 7 am and your musty at 9:30am  then we have a problem here.  This goes back to what i'm saying as to why people at work make me a little nervous when they do potlucks. If i see that your hygene is not up to par what the hell do i look like sampling a dish that you brought from home.  Deoderant is your friend, and anyone who does not use it should be a shamed, you as a grown ass individual should know that presentation is the key.

<span>Football Season</span>

All i have to say is wow. I know that my team is not doing what they need to right now.  But let's talk about the panthers for a sec.  Maybe you guys should have kept Jake it can't get any worse than it is now. Or here's a thought maybe if  football teams didn't care about images so much you should have got VIck. yeah we are aware that he did do time, but hey name one famous person who hasn't.  i mean TI did time and we still love him, and go buy (download) his alblum when it comes out. God knows that everytime Lindsey Lohan pulls something you alll still go and watch her movies.  i guess my point here is that the rich and famous are still people they are going to do wrong, but that doesn't make them not be good at what they do, am i right?

<span>Dating Underage</span>

Ok my biggest pet peeve is underage dating.  LEt's be clear what do you look like at 21 dating a 17 year old.  I just want to stop for a moment and say that statutory rape is not just a phrase, hard time does come with that.  All these teachers sleeping with students and grown ass individuals dating children it's like what the hell is wrong with you.  I'm not a parent, but I am a nanny and that is close enough for me.  If I ever saw a grown man trying to date one of my girls, let's just say he would not be the only one doing time. I be doing some time of my own for attempted murder.  I understand that back in the Little house on the prarie days that grown men were marrying 16 year old girls b/c that's how things were done.  Guess what, this is 2010, and gents i'm sorry 16 year old girls are not marriage material.  It is beyond me as to why you would want to put your self thru listening to the whinning of an underage girl.  and Ladies dating a teenage boy, is not cute.  you're in your mid 20's and junior over there can't even got to a bar with you. Nor does he even have a car.  Here's an idea, The next time that you and junior go on a date let me know how you coordinate that around the CATS bus schedule.  Or if he invites you over to the cribe to get the business, tell how you can look in the mirror at your self knowing that his moms was in the next room.  Ladies & Gents alike tween town is not the place to be.  Put that on a post it note and take it with you.

Well peps i guess that is all that i have to say today. i hope that you all enjoy and comment comment comment !!!